Sacral Kingdom

This page outlines a possible plan for recovering a country’s common life.

This plan is made for Hungary, but of course the people of any other country can use it as a model for themselves.

Also, since this plan is based on the principles of "Helping Everyone", "Strength by Help", "Co-operation Instead of Competition", "Brotherhood" and "Don't Hurt!" it can therefore be applied to common geographical areas that cross borders as well, such as the Carpathian Basin, if all concerned people want it together.

The following website may help the people of Hungary to develop their common plan: Magyarország

The common way of life embodied in a jointly agreed plan can be brought to life by people with its proclamation.

1. Man and woman
2. Man and woman are the central element of the society.
3. Every man and woman has free will.
4. All people are equal.
5. Woman is in par with man.
6. The man and the woman have complementary, mutually supportive abilities, characteristics, gifts and talents.
7. Everyone can develop freely.
8. Everyone has the right to space, opportunities for development.
9. In the course of one's development, one must not substantially restrict another person for a long time.
10. Society
11. The community of people, the society is developing freely.
12. Society is qualitatively more than the totality of individual people.
13. Man can develop more fully as part of society than alone.
14. Man can count on the protection, teaching, healing and development of society.
15. Society is governed by the common knowledge and free, creative will of individual people.
16. Council of Wise People
17. To govern society, people establish the Council of Wise People.
18. The Council of Wise People is made up of people.
19. The Council of Wise Men deals with issues affecting society, but any member of society may also address them with an individual request or question.
20. The Council of Wise People will look for possible answers and solutions to the questions and assess their consequences.
21. The Council of Wise People presents the solutions found to society as proposals with their expected consequences.
22. Any member of society can propose a solution.
23. Society votes on the solution that suits them best.
24. The solution chosen will take effect by voting.
25. If the Council of Wise People functions properly for a sufficient period of time, society can vote for the Council of Wise People to exercise its independent decision-making power.
26. The Council of Wise People, in the exercise of its decision-making power, shall, at its discretion, select the appropriate solution and implement it.
27. The Council of Wise People may, in the exercise of its decision-making power, at its own discretion, request the vote of society on certain matters.
28. Society may at any time, by vote, withdraw or modify the solution put in place by the Council of Wise People.
29. Society may at any time, by vote, suspend the exercise of the decision-making power of the Council of Wise People.
30. Admission to the Council of Wise People begins with an invitation and can be requested at any time by any member of society.
31. A person may from time to time be admitted to the Council of Wise People by lot.
32. Only adults may be invited to the Council of Wise People by lot.
33. If the person who has been invited to join the Council of Wise People accepts the invitation, society will vote on his or her mandate by vote.
34. Each member of the Council of Wise People must give his or her name to the solution proposal that he or she is involved in preparing and / or proposing.
35. The appointment of any member of the Council of Wise People may be withdrawn at any time by a vote of society.
36. Any member of the Council of Wise People may at any time request his dismissal, which shall be granted when the required number of members of the Council of Wise People is provided.
37. The minimum number of members of the Council of Wise People is four.
38. The maximum number of members of the Council of Wise People are regulated by society by voting.
39. The following characteristics should always be present in the Council of Wise People in at least one person: humanity, care, helpfulness, curiosity, openness, awareness, scientific knowledge, religious knowledge, caution, readiness to foresee, foresight, ability to organize, vigor.
40. The number of men and women in the Council of Wise People must be equal.
41. The Council of Wise People can ask for help and information from any person or professional in society on any matter.
42. Vote
43. All adult members of society can vote.
44. Children's voting requests, if any, may be submitted by their parents within their own votes.
45. Voting is not required.
46. Each person may authorize another person of his or her choice to represent his or her opinion and to cast his or her vote.
47. A person authorized to vote may have a maximum of ten thousand authorizers at a time.
48. A proxy person shall vote on behalf of all his or her authorizers.
49. A proxy person must always vote if he or she has more than a thousand authorizers.
50. Each person can vote in his or her own name even if he or she has a proxy, in which case the central system will take his or her vote into account and reduce the number of people represented by the proxy by one.
51. The proxy holder must notify all his authorizers by e-mail in a concise manner.
52. The voting authorization may be suspended or revoked at any time by the authorizer and he may re-vote in his own name on any pending ballot.
53. Voting runs from the first to the last day of each month.
54. Proxies must vote in the first 15 days of the month.
55. Anyone can change their mind at any time during the vote.
56. Voting should not be advertised in a confusing way.
57. Voting details are always available in one central location.
58. Voting must be labeled by the person who posted the vote.
59. Anyone can initiate a vote.
60. A person who initiates too many or disturbing votes may be banned from vote initiating for half a year.
61. People are notified of the upcoming votes in the beginning of each month.
62. All people can rank and filter voting notifications using the labels of the questions that concern them.
63. Vote affecting the whole society should be labeled "essential".
64. Up to 30 essential questions may be put to the vote in a given voting period.
65. The vote may contain several proposals for solutions.
66. Each voter may accept more than one solution per vote.
67. A vote shall be valid if a proposal for a solution is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the voters.
68. An invalid vote cannot be restarted for half a year.
69. To avoid invalid voting, it is advisable to provide a solution that takes place in a smaller step but is acceptable to most people.
70. A solution proposal may be added to a vote until the 10th day before the close of voting.
71. Voting is possible through a central website.
72. The central system requests a code to authenticate the package of votes submitted by the voter, which is sent to him by telephone sms.
73. For each vote, each person is given a randomly generated identifying sequence of numbers that the central system shows only to him or her.
74. Anyone can verify his or her own vote at any time without logging in by downloading a list of voters and their votes, where voters are identified by their generated identifier number.
75. Anyone can also cross-check their friend's vote at any time without signing in if the friend provides his or her generated identifier number.
76. Sacral Kingdom
77. The Sacral Kingdom is not sacred because someone appoints it, but because of its own internal, living, elevated values.
78. The task of the Sacral Kingdom is to serve the development of man.
79. The Sacral Kingdom does not rule but serves man's life.
80. The Sacral Kingdom is unnoticed by man if he does not want to pay attention to it.
81. The Sacral Kingdom cannot radiate trouble, loss, danger, illness, death, war, hostility, division to man.
82. The Sacral Kingdom radiates order, integrity, safety, health, life, peace, brotherhood, unity to man.
83. The task of the Sacral Kingdom is to provide separate space and opportunity for people who would significantly restrict others in their development.
84. In the Sacral Kingdom, punishment cannot be oppression, breaking, imprisonment or death, but only reprimand, aiding and, if necessary, providing a separate living space from society for development.
85. The Sacral Kingdom radiates joy, light, love to man.
86. One has the right to always live in a serene, joyful, elevated mood.
87. Man has the right to live and work in the right natural light.
88. Man has the right to acquire knowledge.
89. Man has the right to live in love.
90. The Sacral Kingdom cannot pollute people's food, water, land, air, thoughts, working conditions, lives.
91. The task of the Sacral Kingdom is to provide people with access to clean food, water, land, air, thoughts, working conditions, and life.
92. There can be no law in the Sacral Kingdom that deprives people of their own right to vote.
93. Sacred Crown
94. The symbol system of the Sacred Crown must be introduced to the people.
95. The Sacred Crown must be restored.
96. The sword from under the Sacred Crown must be moved next to the Sacred Crown.
97. To restore the goldsmith work of the Sacred Crown, the three most educated, religious goldsmiths in society must be called upon.
98. The foreign image of the Sacred Crown must be removed.
99. The image of Our Lady must be returned to the Sacred Crown.
100. The string of pearls of the Sacred Crown must be restored.
101. Even if the restoration of the Sacred Crown might be difficult, the restoration could only make it better than its current state.
102. Goldsmiths restoring the Sacred Crown should only do the work in a calm, peaceful, and inspired state, knowing that the initiating Sacred Crown will be restored.
103. Every other person can help the process of recovery with prayer and goodwill.
104. Sacred King
105. In the Sacral Kingdom, the Sacred Crown always leads the Sacral Kingdom.
106. There is no obligation to be a Sacred King in the Sacral Kingdom.
107. The Sacred King is holy, exemplary, wise, able to distinguish true things from falsehood.
108. The Sacred King does not command, does not rule over people, but serves, helps them.
109. The Sacred King may participate in the work of the Council of Wise People.
110. Society can give the Sacred King independent decision-making, rewarding, and punishing right through voting.
111. The authority of the Sacred King is greater than anyone, and in case of dispute He can make a final decision.
112. The independent right of the Sacred King to make decisions, reward, punish can be suspended by society through voting, although it is not appropriate to do so, to ensure that the Sacred King can truly remain holy.
113. The Sacred King is both a secular and a religious leader.
114. It is the duty of the Sacred King to transcend the consciousness level of all people with His purity, vocation, and faith, to maintain this high level of consciousness, and to maintain contact with higher levels of the world for guidance and help.
115. As long as society does not want to accept the existence of higher worlds, it is not possible to choose the Sacred King.
116. In the first 3 years after the establishment of the Sacral Kingdom, it is not yet possible to elect the Sacred King, because on the one hand society must experience its free will and exercise its self-government, and on the other hand allow time for people worthy of the Sacred King to appear and recognize them.
117. The election of the Sacred King begins with an invitation.
118. Any adult, man, or woman can be called a Sacred King, but only a person with inherently pure traits can become a good Sacred King.
119. If the requested person accepts the invitation, society will vote on his or her election.
120. The invited and voted man is made the Sacred King by the coronation, initiation, spiritual transformation with the Sacred Crown.
121. Only a society that believes in spiritual transformation during initiation consecrates the Sacred King.
122. There can be no king of ornaments in the Sacral Kingdom.
123. The name of the Sacred King is the Sacred King for man and the Sacred Queen for woman.
124. The mandate of the Sacred King is for life, it is possible to resign by vote, but this should be avoided by making the right choice.
125. Life
126. All life can develop freely.
127. All lives must be protected.
128. Every living thing is a conscious, sentient being.
129. Every living thing has the right to space, opportunities for development.
130. The development of the consciousness of all living beings also helps the development of the consciousness of man.
131. All species are free to develop.
132. All species must be protected.
133. All species have a common consciousness.
134. Every species has the right to space, opportunities for development.
135. The development of the consciousness of all species also helps the development of the consciousness of man.
136. Man can only take the life of another living being as a source of food, as much as he actually needs, and man must be grateful to the living entity for giving his life for man's survival.
137. Earth
138. Planet Earth is a conscious, sentient being.
139. The Earth and the beings living on and feeding on it are inseparable, they cannot evolve without each other.
140. The Earth and the beings living on it live and evolve together.
141. The health of the Earth and the beings that live on it are intertwined.
142. The Earth must be protected.
143. Only as much as is actually needed should be borrowed from Earth.
144. Borrowed things must be given back to Earth in a processable state.
145. The processes of purification, awareness and development of the Earth must be helped.
146. World
147. Every being in the world is in close or distant contact with each other.
148. The state of any being in the world directly or indirectly affects other beings.
149. The world is complete, healthy, if everything that exists is complete, healthy.
150. Science
151. Science must evolve freely.
152. Science must provide a reasonable explanation for the phenomena of the world.
153. Science must also allow for the existence of phenomena that cannot yet be repeated or proven.
154. Science cannot limit the development of science.
155. Science cannot limit the development of the world.
156. Science must not become an unshakable revelation of the phenomena of the world, for as the world evolves, old science may have to adapt to it.
157. Every discovery or idea currently labeled "pseudoscience" must be examined by a Hungarian person with whom society can talk.
158. "Pseudoscience" may be really misleading, but if it still has value and we don't deal with it just because of a stigma, usually given by foreign, invisible man, we may postpone the chance to build a better, cleaner, healthier world.
159. Science and religion must converge.
160. The disciplines need to converge as they describe the same world.
161. All people are free to learn the results of science.
162. Religion
163. Religion must develop freely.
164. Religion must give reassuring, joyful, peaceful faith to the issues of the world that science has either discovered or has not yet discovered.
165. Religion must allow room for scientific discoveries that can transform religion.
166. Religion should not restrict the development of religion.
167. Religion cannot limit the development of the world.
168. Religion must not become an unwavering revelation about the issues of the world, because as the world evolves, the old religion may need to be adapted to it.
169. Every person who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ in the present must be boldly known and respectfully give them a chance to gain assurance about their claim.
170. None of them may be the second coming of the true Jesus Christ, but if He is among them and we do not know Him just because we are not religious or dare not believe in Him, or our own religious leader forbids knowing Him, or we are afraid of consequences of His actual coming, then we can defer the chance of teaching and saving that He can bring us.
171. Religion and science must converge.
172. Religious trends must converge as they explain the same world.
173. All people are free to believe in religion.
174. All people can believe that God created man in His own image and likeness.
175. All people can believe that the soul of man is a spark, a part, a personification of God.
176. All people can believe that man is in direct contact with God through his soul.
177. All people can believe that man by his free will live or does not live by using this relationship.
178. All people can believe that by evolving man, by learning his divine abilities, he can become all-knowing, all-seeing, restorative, healing, creative, Divine Man.
179. Peace
180. People must not be killed.
181. In the case of an external attack, it is not necessary to speak to the attacking force, but to address and reach an agreement with the attacking population.
182. The politician and chief officers who want to spark the conflict must be captured and removed from the rest of society.
183. An attacking soldier should only be dealt with a weapon that does not kill him, but render harmless, stuns, stops, or maybe injures him.
184. In the event of an external attack, the soldiers must be stopped by traps and obstacles, neutralized or taken their weapons away and sent them back home to their families.
185. If the attacking people have a claim, they need something, then a constructive solution must be found to alleviate their need, for example, by starting new research, inventing inventions, producing materials, opening up new living spaces.
186. If the external attack is not armed, but political, banking, or economic, the people of the country of the given politician, bank, economy must be consulted.
187. Information, advertising
188. We give unsolicited, bad, depressing, outrageous news a place created for them on the Internet so that whoever wants it can access it there.
189. In the central, official information, we tell good, uplifting, cheerful, optimistic, forward-looking news about development and creation in the country and in the world.
190. We turn the inevitable bad news into good news by presenting the lesson, the conclusion drawn, and a solution to avoid the trigger for the future, or if there is no lesson or solution for the time being, we present a complementary good news as well after the bad news.
191. Advertising is not permitted on television, radio, in the newspaper, on the street, or in places that are unavoidable.
192. We provide each advertisement with a dedicated space on the Internet so that anyone who wants it can access it.
193. Money
194. Money, as a concept, is a tool that can be used well and can be misused.
195. Until there is a better idea, we will restore the initial, creative, good use of the concept of money.
196. The good features of the concept of money, as opposed to barter, are ease of use, easy breakdown and the transmission of value, which allows people to pay and exchange even among people, only one of whom would have a product or service that the other one needs.
197. In the higher degree of the Sacral Kingdom, favor-based consumption may be used, where one person will help another with a favor with a product or service, because he knows that he can ask and receive the same favor from another member of society.
198. Work
199. In the Sacral Kingdom, we try to decrease the working time done for others and society to 4 hours a day.
200. We allow more time for each person to develop their own creative selves and to work on their own or on their family's tasks.
201. With the reduction of working hours, the economy may not produce as many products, but in return, people's quality of life, joy and worldly love will improve significantly.
202. We call work everything that a person does with his actions, regardless of whether he makes money with it, thereby restoring the esteem in which one does one's work for oneself.
203. Donation
204. We restore the initial, creative, good use of the concept of donation.
205. The members of society donate one by one to the common so that society, as a larger organization, can create a greater, useful thing for society.
206. The input system, laws and channels of donation will initially remain the same as in the existing system, but later, during natural development, the laws will be relaxed.
207. The system of the use of donation is completely renewed, cleansed, restored, with the help of the Council of Wise People, the people decide on the uses.
208. The system of input and use of donation is completely transparent at all times, for everyone.
209. Money storage
210. We will create a National Money Storage to store people's individual money savings.
211. The National Money Storage is always able to store and return the money upon request.
212. The National Money Storage cannot give or buy stock exchange shares from people's money or lend money to areas that would harm the lives of any person, living thing, or the Earth.
213. The National Money Storage can only lend money to areas that serve development and life.
214. If a person taking out a loan is unable to repay the loan according to the preliminary agreement, the National Money Storage undertakes to handle the deficit.
215. An individual loan can only be taken to a reasonable extent.
216. In the case of an idea that requires a larger loan, one can turn to the Council of Wise People to implement the idea at the social level.
217. Interest, stock exchange, loan, pledge
218. It is forbidden to give or take interest anymore.
219. A one-time commission may be charged for work actually performed.
220. People's money savings must not be put on stock exchange.
221. It is not allowed to sell or buy shares on the stock exchange in short intervals.
222. If someone has savings and wants to help a business by lending them money for their further development, he can only get his money back, not interest, he can only get his money back at times they have agreed with the business in advance, and he must not affect the life of that business in any way.
223. If someone has lent money to someone else, only he can get his money back, he cannot sell his claim to someone else.
224. It is forbidden to ask pledge for a loan.
225. Loans should only be given with helping purpose.
226. Public debt
227. Public debt must be eliminated in a very short time, for example, within 2-3 years.
228. We only repay the public debt in the amount that society can still produce in a given year, possibly with some austerity, but without interruption.
229. We repay the public debt to the lenders in the following order: Hungarian people, people of the surrounding countries, EU citizens, European people, other people in the world, investment funds.
230. The repayment schedule for the loans of the lenders is spread over 2-3 years.
231. The savings for a given year are distributed among the lenders to repay the loan to them. Everyone only gets back as much as they lent and as much as the savings allow.
232. Another loan should no longer be taken from foreign people and mutual funds.
233. Another loan can only be taken out without interest.
234. Self-sufficient family life
235. The Sacral Kingdom helps to develop a self-sufficient individual or family way of life.
236. Everyone can enroll in a school that provides theoretical and practical knowledge, where they can learn how to start, operate and develop self-sufficiency.
237. All students in such a school must spend at least twice 1 full month moving to one of the school’s sample farms and be able to get to know and be able to do the work there.
238. Anyone who successfully completes such a school can ask society for all the tools and help they need to start and run a self-sufficient life, such as free, still available space, farmland, house design, house building, machinery, tools, vehicles, plants and animals.
239. Everyone can choose what initial comfort level their self-sufficiency system should have, such as water, electricity, heating, cooling, access to the Internet, a planed dirt road to the nearest town.
240. Society may help start more or fewer such self-sufficient family farms, depending on the savings of society, using lottery to choose between the candidates if necessary.
241. Society helps not only the self-sufficient farms, but also the rural and urban family life to become as self-sufficient as possible.
242. Only a self-sufficient system that serves life and development can be created and operated.
243. Wealth
244. All people can only own a reasonable amount of land.
245. Everyone has the right to own land of the right quality.
246. Municipalities may jointly own a reasonable amount of land.
247. Every municipality has the right to own land of the right quality.
248. If a factory or service provider that employs or serves a large community cannot provide reasonable use to the people who depend on it, the Sacral Kingdom can intervene creatively in a way that benefits all parties.
249. Cities, settlements
250. Everyone has the right to clean drinking water and air.
251. The Sacral Kingdom is pushing for the development of sensors and purifiers that allow each person to control and ensure the purity of water and air at all times.
252. Everyone has the right to live in an environment that does not exceed the electromagnetic wave loads in nature and in natural quantities.
253. The Sacral Kingdom is urging the development and use of sensors, as well as buildings, rooms and cladding, to enable each person to protect himself or herself from unnatural wave loads.
254. Inventions
255. Anyone can invent anything.
256. The Sacral Kingdom will establish an Office of Inventions where anyone can present the theoretical background and practical operation of their invention.
257. Immediately after the presentation of the invention, the Office of Inventions shall register the priority of the invention in the name of the author without delay.
258. The Office of Inventions does not address the feasibility of the invention as previously recognized by science.
259. The Office of Inventions shall subsequently check whether there has been a previously identical or similar invention, in which case the latter invention need not be deleted from the records, but the priority of the invention should be deleted with reference to the earlier invention.
260. The Sacral Kingdom encourages people to discover a clean source of energy so that nuclear power plants can be replaced first and foremost.
261. All people are free to build, modify and use any machine or vehicle as long as it does not endanger any person.
262. The Sacral Kingdom establishes the Novelty Machine Testing Workshop.
263. All novel machines and vehicles must be inspected by the Novel Machinery Inspection Workshop.
264. The cost of testing the Novel Machinery Testing Workshop will be borne by the Sacral Kingdom.
265. Machines
266. Every machine must be stoppable.
267. A person must be able to switch off a machine if it poses a danger.
268. No machine can control itself when there is a person near, inside, or around it.
269. Any machine that controls itself must turn off when a person enters its operating area.
270. When using a machine, one must not let control out of his hands.
271. A machine cannot control itself, but it can connect to a man-controlled machine, making the second machine controlled.
272. Any man-operated machine must stop in such a way that it does not harm any person if it endangers human or loses human control.
273. Teaching
274. The ratio of theory to practice should be 50-50% during teaching.
275. Teachers need to develop practices that allow students to relate knowledge not only to the letters and numbers described, but also to as many senses - colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches - as possible so that the knowledge can be fixed at as many points as possible and thus knowledge becomes more vivid and recallable longer.
276. The learner's imagination must also be developed so that he can design anything at any time in his mind, in a guided dream-like vision, in color images, in sounds, in smells, tastes, touches, freely traversing and re-editing the imagined space, plan and workpiece.
277. Health
278. We are launching Hungarian scientific research to examine the self-healing ability of man and to examine the spiritual and conscious processes - which are present in the world in any form and judgment - that restore human health.
279. We make the self-healing methods found to be truly functional by Hungarian research available in a form that can be learned by all people.
280. All people can learn to consciously operate their self-healing ability.
281. We use the high-quality medical condition assessment machines and methods already available to monitor the process of self-healing in a person, thus encouraging the process of learning self-healing.
282. In the Sacral Kingdom, if man himself can somehow learn the constant self-healing of his own body, he may live forever.
283. Based on the operation of the self-healing methods we find workable, we try to make machines that help, strengthen and speed up the process of restoring health.
284. The Sacral Kingdom helps to strengthen people's self-healing in the event of appearance of a serious illness, ie advises taking vitamins, eat more fruits, have a varied diet, eat garlic, drink clear water and herbal tea, do less work, take more rest, have peaceful sleep, have sunbathing, have extra body exercises, be in a calm, peaceful, serene, joyful mood, tune to good news and good thoughts, and careful but loving contact with people, animals and plants.
285. If a sick person agrees, other people can heal their sick companion with their prayers, love, health seeing consciousness, without direct physical contact, using their spiritual and conscious power.
286. If it is proved that love-based healing from other people is effective enough, the Sacral Kingdom will accept this healing as natural and, in the event of illness, with the approval of the sick person, will seek the help of healthy people for their sick companions.
287. Each person is responsible for protecting and preserving their own DNA, the blueprint of their own body, against artificial alteration.
288. Each person is responsible for the natural development of their own DNA, the design of their own body.
289. Everyone can learn to use herbs.
290. Everyone can learn how to grow herbs at home.
291. In city parks, we will create herbal islands along with information boards.
292. Invisible Worlds
293. If any foreign or Hungarian person claims to perceive something that other people do not perceive, we will not destroy his or her claim and stigmatize the person, but we will be open to the statement of our own fellow human being, writing it down and trying to interpret it, because maybe it will benefit us one day.
294. All other areas
295. Everything continues to work according to the usual old laws and regulations.
296. If any change is needed in any area, one can turn to the Council of Wise People with a request or question.