General examples of creation:
- a new element of reality is created,
- an element of reality changes,
- the position or place of an element of reality changes in space.
General characteristics of creation:
- reality evolves so that man can experience his own creation, or the creation of another creator, which he accepts.
Examples of creation by action:
- raising the hand (the position of the human body changes in space),
- stepping, running (the place of the human body changes in space),
- lifting an object by hand,
- assembling an object from parts,
- painting, drawing,
- tailoring, sewing, knitting,
- cutting, chopping,
- baking, cooking.
Characteristics of creation by action:
- man uses his body, mostly his hand, to create,
- man may use an object to act,
- creation takes place in the immediate vicinity of the human body,
- creation takes place directly on matter,
- a material object is created or changed,
- the result of creation is immediately perceptible,
- man uses the senses of sight, touch, smell, taste to perceive creation.
Examples of creation by spoken word:
- talking,
- singing,
- making music,
- creating sound.
Characteristics of creation by spoken word:
- man uses his organ of sound production, especially his throat, to create,
- man may use an object to create sound,
- sound, vibration, ie a knowledge-carrying energy wave is created,
- the sound is created near the human body,
- the sound moves away at the speed of sound, gradually attenuating, transferring its energy to the environment,
- the result of creation is perceptible in two parts: first, man hears the sound, and second, he interprets it,
- to perceive sound man uses the senses of the hearing,
- to interpret sound either man uses his intellect and creates thought, or uses his soul and creates emotion,
- it is possible to heal with a sound that carries the right information.
Examples of creation by written word:
Characteristics of creation by written word:
- during writing the writer creates a text from his thoughts on a material medium that can be easily passed on in space and time,
- during reading, thoughts are created in the reader based on the meaning of the text.
Examples of creation by thought:
- two people meet,
- man stumbles,
- man has an accident,
- man get sick,
- man get healed,
- wind is blowing,
- cloud is forming,
- rain is raining,
- every life situations,
- every event,
- every circumstance.
Characteristics of creation by thought:
- biosignal, pure energy, light is created,
- similar energy attracts similar energy,
- similar energies join together,
- the condensing energy after a while appears in reality as a life situation, event, circumstance, and the very condensing energy as matter,
- acts immediately,
- affects in infinite spatial distance,
- affects in infinite time distance,
- has infinite speed,
- if man does not control it, the object of his thought is usually created in the future, which over time reaches the creator man,
- the quantity of energy of thought was formulated by
Grigori Grabovoi:
E = V * S, energy = volume of perception * speed of perception,
- the volume of perception can be increased if the object of thought is perceived from a distance by the consciousness,
- the speed of perception can be increased by raising the level of individual consciousness, by performing concentration exercises,
- a thought based on love, helping everyone is 100,000 times stronger than a thought based on fear.
Special examples of creation by thought:
- annihilation of matter,
- creation of matter,
- resurrection,
- changing the position of an object in space (telekinesis).